10 Ways to drink water for a healthy life
Water plays a fundamental role in health. Drunk on a daily basis in sufficient quantity, it not only maintains the body in good working order but also prevent and heal many disorders and health problems.
We all assume that drinking large amounts of beverages, teas and different types of drinks will give us enough water quantities, but this is not the fact. In today’s world, our water needs have increased as in our diet we are taking concentrated foods, alcohol, salty foods, processed foods, and they require more water to digest and absorb the nutrients. Polluted environments, stuffed homes also play major roles in our requirement of water.
Water comprises between 40% and 80% of our body weight, depending on the amount of fat (i.e., adipose tissue) an individual has. While fat contains little water (some 10%), plasma consists of more than 90% water. The soft tissues of the body such as skin, muscles, and internal organs are composed of 70% to 80% water. The skeleton is only 22% H2O. High body water content is related to thinness, while low body water content is related to obesity.
Beneficial effects of drinking water
- Removes fatigue,
- Help in energy recovery.
- Stop Depression.
- Very effective in the treatment of Eczema.
- Water helps in controlling Rheumatism,
- Controls high and low blood pressure.
- Prevent high cholesterol level.
- Good for gastric disorders.
- By making skin glow prevent Premature ageing,
- Weight control is very effective in drinking water.

10 methods for drinking water for a healthy lifestyle
1.Analysis of water intake
The first thing you have to do is an analysis of your water-intake habits. Begin by calculating the average amount of water you drink a day. You can include milk, juice and water, but no coffee or sodas containing caffeine, because they are diuretics (i.e., causing you to urinate).
If you are drinking less than 6 glasses a day, you will need to increase the amount you drink. The recommendation is a minimum of 8 glass of water (300 ml/each glass). Preferably 10 glasses are the right amount.
Every day we expel 2.5 litres of water from our bodies in the form of urine, sweat, water vapour from the lungs, and the liquid contained in stools. When an equivalent intake of water is maintained, the body’s hydric budget is in balance.
The best means of hydrating the body is to drink approx. 2.5 litre or more of water a day.
To lose weight, drink 2.5 to 3.5 litters or more of water per day. The quantity should be based on your weight (more weight equals more water) and the amount you eat.
To maintain youthful skin, around 2.5 litres of water a day should be sufficient.
2.Drinking water not in sip , but Gulping.
Water is not to be sipped but to be gulped from a full glass of 300 ml water kept at room temperature. It isn’t easy to drink coffee, tea, soda or other drinks as they are not at room temperature, hence sipping them is only the way. Sipping do not give the benefit of water which comes from drinking 300 ml water in one go. Hence when you drink water, drink in one go, you get the full benefits.
3.Drinking pattern for adequate Hydration, Good skin and the right weight.
Following underline practices of water intake, will give a shiny skin and great control on weight. If followed for a month, you will experience lightness in the body with great body structure.
- Take One glass (300 ml ) Lukewarm water when you wake up, to make up the water losses in urination.
- During breakfast, drink Milk, as it contains 87% water with other minerals and nutrients, or drink juices without the addition of sugar. Avoid tea and coffee as much as possible.
- Drink one glass of water every two hours till evening. It leads to around 4 to 5 glasses of water by the evening. Avoid sweetened water in any form.
- In the evening again take a glass of Lukewarm water for maintaining the body heat.

4.Focus on getting at least 30-40% of water intake from Foods
A person’s water intake may be high or low depending on the foods in his daily diet. It is elevated if the person eats lots of fruits and vegetables, but reduced if these foods represent only a small portion of the daily diet.
If in the daily diets there is copious helping of Fruits and vegetables, they are a great source of water plus fibre and nutrition. Try to take at least three big helpings of water-rich fruits or vegetable.
5.Water during a meal
- Taking a glass of water thirty minutes before a meal puts at the body’s disposal a large portion of the water it will need when mealtime arrives, and less water will be drunk with the meal.
- Drinking large amounts directly after a meal is obviously not beneficial and should be avoided so that digestion can occur properly.
- Little water taken during a meal is beneficial; drinking a lot is not beneficial. The intake of fluid allows better liquefaction and swallowing of dry foods and answers the osmotic thirst that is automatically triggered when you start to eat.
6.Drink water every time you sweat or urinate
Drink an amount approximately equal to what has been eliminated through urine or sweat. This will help in maintaining the water balance in the body. Try to drink an equal amount of water that has been lost due in urination.
7.Drinking Warm water
Warm water creates a feeling of a full stomach. The quantities are less than what is required by the body. Hence when drinking hot water you will feel the thirst has not quenched.
The primary benefit of hot water is its ability to bring heat into the body, partially relieving it of the need to produce this heat itself to maintain its normal temperature or to fight against the cold.
Hot beverages are therefore especially beneficial for people with low energy, those who are sensitive to the cold, the elderly, or those suffering from chronic illnesses. By dilating the mucous membranes and blood vessels, hot water encourages metabolic exchanges.
When a person suffering from low energy drinks water that is too cold or drinks cold water in large amounts or too hastily, this can have a chilling effect and cause the person to lose strength

8.Room temperature water is best water for drinking
Ambient temperature water has a stimulating and vitalizing effect on the body in general. It also has a refreshing effect when the body feels hot following strenuous physical activity, for example, and thirst is most intense, as the effort has caused the body to perspire.
Ambient water has a pleasant flavour, and water is most often drunk at this temperature.Drink maximum water at room temeprature.
9.Hydration before intense activity
Before an intense workout, one must make sure the bodies are well hydrated before, during, and after engaging in the chosen activity to give the maximum compensation for the water one will inevitably lose (in the form of sweat) during strenuous physical exercise.
The problem is that the more liquid one loses, the less effective one becomes. This is not a problem on a short term basis (less than an hour), but it becomes a fundamental problem during prolonged bouts of strenuous activities.
10.Balanced life with water as an integral part
Anticipate your future state of being. If you sense you soon will need hydration, drink a tall glass of water before your thirst comes at you. Keep a bottle of water within reach of you, at home, in the office, and your car.
Take a sip then listen to your body to see if you might want another sip. Finish up activities with a glass of water. Keep yourself fresh. Maintain balance in your life.
Provide yourself with healthy options—an interesting, appealing variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Work out moderate physical activity to keep your body in rhythm. Discover your own personal equilibrium somewhere between eating to live and living to eat.