Healthy Living


Doing this simple and easy exercise will reduce weight and increase general fitness in 30 days. Follow them and make it a habit and see the results.

1. Walk briskly.

Do brisk walking covering 1000 meters in around 7 to 9 minutes. Walk whenever you get time, and cover 200,000 to 300,000 steps in a month. After one month you will see that you are a different personality with increased fitness levels and a sense of purpose becoming ingrained as a habit.


Frequency: Every day.

2. Put on some music and dance with a bouncing motion, transferring your weight from leg to leg.

This is a great way of enjoying the fitness routine listening to music and making yourself fit. Do for 5minutes daily this routine..Frequency: Every day.

Dancing for health

3. Rope Jump or Make-believe jump rope—jump in place as if holding a jump rope.

Do jumping exercise as if holding a rope or actually holding a rope and do 100 jumps. Jumping rope is a great calorie-burner.

Frequency: Thrice a week.

Jumping rope

4. Get up and down from your chair 50 to 100 times.

Do this exercise while working in office, home and do it whenever you get time. It increases the gut metabolism, blood flow levels and keeps you active the whole of the day. Stagger the exercise every two to three hours.Frequency :Whenever you want to do the same.

5. Walk up and down a flight of stairs (or much more than one flight).

With stair climbing, your muscles are forced to resist gravity and move in a vertical pattern. When you move your body vertically, you place high demands on the lower body. Your leg muscles must repeatedly lift your body against the pull of gravity. In addition, your muscles must stabilise and balance, which puts even more demand on the muscles in the lower body.Frequency :Twice a day.

staircase exercise

6. Do jumping jacks.

Along with being a good cardio exercise, jumping jacks are also ideal to build stronger muscles. It only takes 2 minutes to complete each set, and you’ll burn a total of 60 additional calories a day. Frequency:100 Jumps, thrice a week.


7. Hop around the room in a circle or back and forth in a line first on one foot, then on the other. Start out with 30 seconds per foot.

Frequency : Do when playing with your dog or child or just enjoy yourself.

8. Rise up and down on your toes.

Stretch yourself while going up and down. Frequency does whenever you like to stretch.

9. Stand on one leg and hold on to a chair or a wall for balance.

Extend your free leg in front of you so the heel stretches out about 12 inches in front of your standing leg. Now, bend your standing leg knee so you lower your body about 6 inches, and then come back up. Do this 25 times and then switch legs. Repeat X times on each leg, depending on your fitness level and exercise tolerance.

10. Jog, Pick your knees up higher as you get in better physical condition.


Jogging in place might seem too easy to be effective, but it’s one of the best cardio exercises to reap results quickly. Why? It’s convenient, it’s accessible to anyone, it’s fast and it’s tried and true. We recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

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