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Proven steps for preventing hair loss and bringing growth

Hair care

Hair defines who we are in our eyes and shapes others’ perceptions of us. We are classified as bald or bushy or thinning or luxuriant when it comes to our hair. Hair seems to be a fascination. We cut it, style it, curl it, straighten it, lighten it, darken it, comb it, wash it, dry it, and cry about it when we lose it. Hair is the topic of this article, let us explore in this blog some simple steps for growth and prevention of hair loss.

What is Hair Hair is non-living, yet is in a cycle of constant renewal and shedding. Unlike vital organs, such as the heart, liver, or kidneys, where limited cellular renewal can occur, hair growth occurs at the amazing rate of 0.35mm/day allowing the removal of old, damaged hair that is readily replaced with new regrowth. Hair is the only body structure that is completely renewable, as long as the follicle remains a functioning unit. The hair follicle number that is present at birth remains constant throughout youth, slowly decreasing with age. The hair grows from follicles.

Scalp hair density variation with age

AgeScalp hair density (per square centimetre)
New born1135
One year795
30 years615

What are Common hair problems?

Whatever style of hair you may have, you cannot escape having a bad hair day at one point in your life. Here are some of the most common hair problems that men and women alike suffer from every day if not at one point in their life.

Minimize damage to your hair by following these simple hair care regimen

Main reasons for Hair Loss

The Two Main Types of Hair Loss

Basically, they can be divided into two groups: the scalp disease alopecia areata, and the thinning hair of alopecia androgenetica.

1.Alopecia androgenetica – the ‘male pattern baldness’ which has always plagued older men and to some extent also older women. But it now happens in many younger women. Thinning hair now affects more than one-third of all older women and, one in eight of all younger women.

Alopecia androgenetica in a man usually appears as receding temples with a bald patch on the crown; in a woman as thinning throughout the scalp. Thinning hair in women is a hormonal, hereditary condition caused by a genetic character. When there is hair loss, there is frequently also a background of illness, weight loss, nutritional deficiency or thyroid problems. Fluctuating levels of the male hormones, the androgens, which women have in their bodies just as men do though in smaller amounts, can act as a trigger to alopecia androgenetica.

2. Alopecia areata – the scalp disease which starts suddenly in patches and can become total. More men and women now face this severe and frightening loss. A leading American epidemiologist says that it now affects at least one in 100, and he predicts far more over the next five decades.

Alopecia areata strikes suddenly, without warning. It can affect both sexes at any age. In some cases, it develops into loss of all scalp hair (alopecia totalis) or into the loss of all body hair including that on the scalp (alopecia uniiversalis).

It must be borne in mind that hair loss often does not result from a single cause-effect but from a combination of factors that all need to be addressed simultaneously for success.

General Hair loss treatment.

1.Massaging your scalp before sleep or two hours before shampoo

Oil, depending on the type used, can nourish, clean, strengthen, and stimulate your hair, hair follicles, and scalp, enabling your hair to grow longer and fuller. Oil is often mixed with other ingredients, but can also be used alone.Severe dry scalp can lead to a more serious problem than just dandruff and flakiness. Often, chemical-based hair care products are the root cause of your dry scalp so it is best to use naturally based treatments such as oil. Here are some benefits of using oil treatment for dry scalp: Nourishes and hydrates your scalp. Helps balance the sebum in your scalp. Keeps your hair healthy and strong.

Key benefits of Oil massage

To treat your hair, warm about a 1/4 cup gently in a saucepan. Once the oil is massaged into the scalp, cover the entire head with a shower cap and tuck hair inside. Allow to sit for a few hours, or sleep with the cap on. After removal, wash and condition hair normally. Use this treatment weekly for the best results.

1.Almond Oil massage Using almond is oil simple. Begin with a tablespoon of the oil and massage into the scalp, working your way down the hair until you reach the tips. Depending on the thickness and existing length of your hair, more oil may be needed. Once your hair is coated, allow the oil to sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cold water (or as cold as you can tolerate), and wash as usual.

2.Castor oil massage Full of Omega-3 fats, castor oil rebuilds hair, allowing new growth, strength, added shine, and thickness. Castor oil can be run through the hair as a leave-in solution to keep hair smooth, used in a hot oil treatment, or as a base in a hair growth recipe.

3.Coconut Oil Massage The oil begins as a solid and must be warmed, either from the heat of your hands and fingers or in a pan. A terrific natural conditioner, coconut oil can be used alone, blended with other oils, or, most often, a base for a hair recipe. For the best results, use virgin coconut oil because it is not as processed, and has more proteins.

4.Olive Oil Perhaps the easiest oil to find, and the most familiar to everyone, olive oil is rich in antioxidants. The benefits of olive oil are widely known, as evidenced by the abundance of beauty supplies on store shelves with olive oil as a primary ingredient. Olive oil helps smooth hair, gives hair an incredible sheen, and stimulates hair to grow. Olive oil can be used as a treatment by simply warming up an appropriate amount for your thickness and length of hair, applying the oil from the scalp to the tips of your hair, and letting the oil soak in for 20 to 30 minutes before washing hair normally.

5.Vitamin E Oil is full of antioxidants and healing properties ideal for strengthening hair. In fact, vitamin E oil is often recommended by doctors to help improve or hasten the healing process of certain wounds, because it works faster and soothes the injured area. When it comes to hair, the vitamin improves blood flow and stimulates the scalp, encouraging hair growth.

2.Use of Minoxidil for hair growth

Minoxidil promotes hair growth by increasing the duration of anagen. It causes hair follicles at rest to grow and enlarges suboptimal follicles. Minoxidil was serendipitously discovered to be a hair growth-promoting agent when a patient taking the compound orally for the treatment of arterial hypertension developed generalized hypertrichosis. Originally developed for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men, topical minoxidil proves to be more effective in female androgenetic alopecia.

The diagnosis and treatment of androgenetic alopecia are relatively straightforward and easy, with 2 or 5 % topical minoxidil solution in men and in women and 1 mg oral finasteride in men having excellent evidence levels for their therapeutic use in androgenetic alopecia.

3.Shampoo each and every day.

Shampooing removes the grime and dirt that builds up in your hair follicles as you move about through your day. For the papilla to function properly, grime and dirt need to be removed—daily. Additionally, your skin is constantly producing fresh skin cells, pushing the older, dead cells to the surface. Shampooing removes those dead cells from the scalp, allowing the skin to breathe properly. In short, you must shampoo each and every day.

When shampooing, remember to use your fingertips to massage the scalp and disperse the lather through the hair. Do not use the palms of the hands, as this could easily be too harsh and may cause breakage of the hair shafts, resulting in eventual hair loss. A gentle massage is an excellent way to invigorate the scalp, which increases blood flow to the papilla and stimulates hair growth (more about massage later). Rinse with cool or lukewarm water.

4.Conditioner Treatment

Shampooing cleans your hair but daily use of shampoo can strip your hair of its natural shine and softness. To keep your hair smooth, soft and shiny you need to use a conditioner. Some of the benefits of using deep conditioner treatment are: Protects your hair from possible damages, like split ends, drying, breakage and brittleness. Helps retain the natural moisture of your hair to keep it healthy and strong Help soften your hair, leaving it shiny and silky.

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