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High Potency sweeteners

Sweeteners alternate to sugars

Sweeteners come from various sources. They have been sought throughout history for their pleasing taste and many uses.The science of sweetness, however, goes beyond the source of the foodstuff for the sweetener. At a molecular level, approximately 100 chemicals are sweet. They all are referred to as sugars.

Sugar substitutes

Sugar substitutes are of three types:

This post will focus on the Intense sweeteners.

Intense sweeteners are also called non-nutritive sweeteners because they are so much sweeter than sugar that the small amounts needed to sweeten foods contribute virtually no calories to the foods. These sweeteners also do not promote tooth decay. Currently, four such intense sweeteners are available, both for use in processed foods and for home consumption.

High Potency sweeteners /Intense sweeteners

1.Acesulfame K



Other health beneficial effects of Aspartame


Oral Health

The projected consumption level in the population is estimated to be 0.05 mg/kg BW per day. The no observed effect level (NOEL) for chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity is estimated to be at least 1000 mg/kg BW per day in rats and 800 mg/kg BW per day in dogs.

Both Neotame and its main degradation product,deesterified Neotame, have been shown to be non-mutagenic and well tolerated above projected chronic consumption levels.

Key Uses



Saccharin sweetener


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