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15 hacks for staying young, fit and reversing age

15 Hacks for staying young

These are simple 15 Hacks, if done as part of a disciplined lifestyle, you will not only look young and radiant but the quality of life will be fulfilling and each day will be a day of energy, youthfulness and creativity.

1.Catch the sun before it comes up.

Try to become a morning person by exposing yourself to light early in the morning (to wake you up more naturally and quickly) and avoiding lots of light at night (especially from screens). Get things done earlier in the day and be less of an evening person as much as possible.

Rising before Sun will give positive energy the whole day, as you will be nearer to natural soundings from daily hustle and bustle. Starting early is half the battle won in going for other activities line up. You must rise between 4 am to 5 am, but no later than 5 AM.

2.Start the day with water, mediation, music, yoga, reading and 45-minute physical activity.

3.Eat fruit instead of added sugars

4.Taking half-hour afternoon naps

5.Boost your intake of Leafy greens vegetables and Fruits

6.Reduce the salt intake

Eating too much salt essentially dehydrates your internal organs, causing them to take water from your skin. As your skin becomes more dehydrated, fine lines become visible and your facial colour dulls. Reduce dependence on processed foods and focus on whole foods.

7.Eating Raw foods instead of snacks

Raw snacks meet your body’s nutrient quota, trigger your natural appetite-regulating hormones, and won’t leave you wanting more. Most conventional snacks are made with processed, refined, nutritionally empty ingredients with a sprinkling of preservatives and synthetic flavourings with the heavy complement of white sugar and sodium. Avoid them for looking young and reversing the age.

8.Replace your daily fluid losses by drinking water  avoid any other drink than water

9.Wash your face before going to bed.

10.Walk-in a month by taking at least 2,00,000 steps staring with 1,00,000 steps.

11.Do not sit in one place for more than 45 minutes.

12.Get 90% of your calories from plants

13.Lower your Fitness age

14.Do Facial exercises

15.Make your teeth clean and white

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