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10 Hacks which will help you to fight the battle with Covid

hacks for covid precautions

We know how the COVID  has disrupted our life’s and sometimes how helpless we feel seeing and reading all types of news floating all around us. Yes, it difficult periods and we all need help to come out of the  pandemic by following some simple hacks which are common and simple to follow :

The common hacks which will help us to overcome the pandemic are :

1. Vaccination

If you have access to any vaccine formulated  by Government to fight the pandemic please go and get the same without any question asked .Various studies have proved that taking  vaccination, either a single jab or multiple jab , chances of surviving the pandemic increase by 80%.Pleasse take this 80% chance .There is nothing to lose and everything to gain from getting yourself vaccinated.

2.Keeping positivity in all walks of Life

What Are You Grateful for? 

Even in the worst of times, most of us realize that we still have things in our lives for which we are grateful. Say it out loud! Practice gratitude. Pray to God. Talk about the things your entire family is grateful for. Develop a family mantra, and say it together at the start of every day. Actively acknowledging what you are all grateful for will help your family have grateful minds and hearts.

Exercise Your Mind

We know that exercise is good for our bodies, but what about our minds? Sure it is! It releases those natural endorphins that make us feel better. Exercise has physical as well as mental and emotional benefits. Getting active will keep your body in better shape and boost your self-esteem. Yoga can also help you learn to really focus. 

Embrace Change

Many of us are resistant to change in our lives. That’s why social distancing is so taxing on everyone. We’re used to doing what we want when we want. But now we must learn to accept that we’re not in control. We must learn to adapt. We have to follow new rules. These changes are foreign to us and often limiting. 


3. Start running

Want to survive the pandemic! Then start running wherever you find a place and time for the same. If going outside is difficult start running inside, if you get a chance to run outside run for 30 minutes. Running will increase your overall fitness, your lungs will have greater power to take more oxygen and resistance to any symptoms related to breathing will be taken care of by running. Your energy levels will be higher as more oxygen passes through the system.

4.Deep breathing exercises

It has been proven that doing deep breathing exercises for at least 15 minutes a day will help in increased oxygen levels. In addition, you can have many benefits — especially lowering your heart rate, regulating blood pressure, and helping you relax, all of which help decrease how much of the stress hormone cortisol is released into your body.

5.Eat fruits and vegetable which give phytonutrients

Eating fruits and vegetables which are full of  phytonutrients .They release phytochemicals which offer specific health benefits, and taken as a whole they boast a major defence against disease and the ravages of free radicals, environmental toxins, and heavy-metal contamination.

The majority of foods, such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and herbs, contain phytochemicals . Among these, fruits and vegetables are significant sources of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals, either alone or in combination, have tremendous therapeutic potential in curing various ailments.

Phytochemicals with nutraceutical properties present in food are of enormous significance due to their beneficial effects on human health since they offer protection against numerous diseases.

Please see the detailed blog in the link.

6.Start a hobby that increases your hand skills.

Start learning new skills or hobbies which uses a lot of hand movement or involves the effort of concentration. Once you start learning new skills, the whole body effort is directed towards the same. Small progress in learning, releases hormones that are beneficial for the body immunity. Learning helps you become more open to change. By developing a growth mindset and believing you can learn new things you will be more adaptable to the changes happening all around you.

Start learning new things.


A very important tool in fighting the pandemic is your mindset .Once you start meditation you start to control your outlook , become calmer in life and see things from the new perspectives. Daily 15 to 30 minutes of meditation will change your world and open to new perspectives in life.

8. Follow all the guidelines given by  doctors

Doctor’s advisory in cleaning your hands, washing them with soaps, wearing masks, avoiding public places need to be followed to the hilt. Do not ignore these simple things as these small things are life and death matter. Choose life over death, remember you have your family who is dependent on you. These small measures will go in a long way in being normal again.

9.Avoid people who tarnish the medical science and have an opinion

If you have to live the end of a pandemic, it’s important to avoid people who have an opinion on everything. These people tend to spread opinions that have no relevance or justification and has no authority. Just avoid them if you want to survive the pandemic.

10.People with Blood pressure, diabetes and respiratory problems

Please follow the advice of doctors and become a sage in following all the advice and precautions which need to be taken. If you want to outlive the pandemic this is not the time for experiments, lowering of your guards and thinking of business as usual. Following precautions, as prescribed in medical science are not costly as against the cost of your life. What is important you need to judge yourself and take a learned decision. Do not be a fool. Mistakes will be costly with no options for corrections.

In nutshell

So what can you do? No, you can’t travel where you want right now. Yes, you’re spending a lot of time at home with your family – in very close quarters. So let’s look for the positive. This is a chance for all of us to recalibrate and focus on what’s truly important. What’s more important than our family and friends? Nothing! Let’s learn to appreciate each other again. Relearn how to communicate. Stay connected. Once we put this negative situation into perspective, surely we can come out on the other side more appreciative, grounded and content.

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